Delivering the highest standards of legal excellence
Martin Rice (CEO Next Level Impact) presents Gerard McNamara (Partner) and Jim Clinton (Office Manager) of KRW Law with their Lexcel Certificate.
KRW LAW-LLP is one of Ireland’s leading law practices. Established in 2012, the firm has been instructed in some of the most significant and high profile cases in the UK and Ireland. The firm specialises in the areas of Advocacy, Criminal Law, Human Rights, Judicial Review, Prison Law and Civil Litigation.
In recent years, the firm has also developed a niche for criminal defence forensic analysis, and has provided advice and assistance to the Scottish lawyers of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, the Libyan convicted for involvement in the Lockerbie Bombings, particularly in relation to the integrity of exhibit management and continuity. The firm also worked with the English lawyers of the family of Madeleine McCann, by providing opinion with regards to the validity of the now condemned forensic science of Low Copy Number DNA.
The firm is ranked as Band 1 for its expertise in public law, and criminal practice by the world-renowned guide to the legal profession, Chambers and Partners which lists the top lawyers in 175 countries.
KRW Law initially engaged Next Level Impact to conduct a strategic-level review of the business against the Law Society’s standard of legal excellence, Lexcel which led to a range of support interventions including:
· Review of current policies and procedures
· Identification of opportunities for improvement
· Management team training
· Support with culture change initiatives
· Executive coaching
· Alignment of the company’s approaches to the Lexcel standard
· Support for formal accreditation to the Lexcel standard
KRW Law successfully implemented a transformational change programme that lead to formal Lexcel accreditation as well as improved operational efficiency, the implementation of more focused risk mitigation strategies and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Additional benefits included:
· Improved systems and processes
· A more focused approach to risk management
· Greater levels of engagement at all levels
· Increased employee satisfaction and retention
· Improved operational efficiencies
· Formal accreditation to the Lexcel standard
· Enhanced company and brand reputation