Senior Leader Apprenticeship Programme

In-house programme delivery format can be modified to suit the needs of the organisation and the participants.

Open programmes typically take the following format:


  • 1 day month

  • Executive networking

  • Action learning sets

  • Share and learn sessions

  • 24-7 access to our online Academy and training site

Leadership and management webinars

  • Monthly covering latest hot topics regarding leadership and management

Project work

  • Experiential learning by implementing a practical work-based project that will have a substantial impact on the organisation

Executive coaching

  • Executive coaching sessions over the duration of the programme to help the participants unleash their full potential

An experienced business mentor

  • An experienced business mentor allocated to each participant

Course Description
The Senior Leader Apprenticeship Programme is an executive management development programme that aligns with the SENIOR LEADER APPRENTICESHIP Level 7 Apprenticeship, SLA

The programme has been designed by Next Level Impact’s award-winning team to maximize impact in the workplace by developing the core leadership and management skills of participants.

The programme offers a blended executive-level learning experience that maximises experiential learning by supporting participants to deliver a work-based improvement project designed to deliver practical results for participants and their organisations

Who is this for?
It is designed for any individual moving into a senior or strategic management role. This can include General Managers, Senior Managers, Section Leaders, Executives, Directors, COO, CFO, CEO, CIO roles, and senior military officers.

A strategic leader with senior management responsibility, which may include formal governance/director responsibilities. Responsible for setting strategy, direction and vision, for providing a clear sense of purpose and driving strategic intent.

NB - Applicants must have achieved English and mathematics at level 2 minimum.

The programme is delivered over 24 months.

Contact us to see if you qualify for a funded place on this programme.

Formal qualifications:

Level 7 Diploma

Successful participants will demonstrate their competencies in:

  • Strategy

  • Innovation & Change

  • Enterprise & Risk

  • Finance

  • Engaging Employees

  • Leading & Developing People

  • Developing Collaborative Relationships

  • Personal and interpersonal effectiveness